
Sara Lee Australia & New Zealand
Lodge a Complaint
{{ error.errorFirstName }}
{{ error.errorLastName }}
{{ error.errorCompanyName }}
{{ error.errorEmail }}
{{ error.errorPhone }}
{{ error.errorMobile }}
{{ error.errorCountry }}
{{ error.errorOtherCountry }}
{{ error.errorProductName }}
{{ error.errorVerbatim }}
Please Note

Please fill in the below details about your purchase to assist us in investigating your issue.
Complaints may not be able to be investigated without this information:

{{ error.errorBestBefore }}
{{ error.errorProductionDate }}
{{ error.errorManufacturingTime }}
{{ error.errorPurchasedate }}
{{ error.errorPurchasedfrom }}
{{ error.errorStoreSuburb }}
{{ error.errorFirstOpeneddate }}
{{ error.errorPurchasedBefore }}
{{ error.errorReCaptcha }}